One might regard friends as those who you wish to keep close. Don't, for if that friend leaves, you will suffer one thousand times more than you have ever suffered.
I'll give you a spoiler since you're neing so nice to me:
There will be plenty of full nude shots. There will be little to no panty shots, but mostly booby shots. Plus, there will be full use of a gag I like to call
"SEX SPOILER". It's where two characters are getting "in the mood" until one character suddenly interrupts the mood of the whole scene, causing for total confusion and hilarious effect.
I'll give you a spoiler since you're neing so nice to me:
There will be plenty of full nude shots. There will be little to no panty shots, but mostly booby shots. Plus, there will be full use of a gag I like to call
"SEX SPOILER". It's where two characters are getting "in the mood" until one character suddenly interrupts the mood of the whole scene, causing for total confusion and hilarious effect.