FOR ONE! i LITERALLY said you only need one patch layer for all the small things i addressed... thats not a 're-work'
publically? dude, most people who see your news posts are all people who'd like to see you maimed... not 'fans' of yours. Your work is not done, and there's only like 5% left...
apply everyone's criticism onto your next project?... dude, you'll do the same you did here... you'll make a new piece, with sloppy cut corners and when someone tells you whats wrong "As of right now, my only wish is to move on and apply everyone's criticisms into my next project. "
TL;DR: = Too Long; Didn't Read:......... RETARD! that means you summarize!... you have 6 and a half lines for the main section, then a 5 line for your summary... thats not much of a summary, thats just you restating the same long bullshit with one line's worth cut off
and dude, dont suck my dick to end your bullshitting... everybody and their mothers knows that you will repeat the same garbage with each drawing- THIS is why i tell you to apply those small, 1 to 2 hour patches... 5 at the most considering you take MORE time than even i do... BECAUSE YOU REPEAT YOUR MISTAKES DIPSHIT... have a nice day and GO FUCK YOURSELF!
If you want to post art that's great, but you need to actually acknowledge the criticism. You need people to critise honestly without impedeing their opinion to make this a complete thing. You make a piece that's moderate, people will give you a moderate or low score.
If your art is so good, why isn't front paged? If you made art like shad,cypress, or Jessepants that deviates a social norm than perhaps you would be able to exponentially increase your views. You will never become Alex Ahad. I will never be Alex Ahad. No one can be Alex Ahad, except Alex Ahad.
Problem is, is this idiot isn't showing me the proper respect I deserve. I acknowledged his feedback and I said what I wanted to do, and I asked him to please let me move onto a new project, then he has the nerve to tell me I am worthless? Absinthe, I don't think you realize how much of an idiot this guy is. Seriously...And I was TRYING to be nice, too.