I understand you want me to rework my newest piece. But I will now publically tell you that as of right now I have no intention of reworking my current newest piece, and that while I acknowledge your feedback and criticisms, that I will use your criticisms to perform better on my next project in the near future. For now, I want you to acknowledge that I wish to move onto a new piece, and that I MIGHT revisit the piece in question at a later date. As of right now, my only wish is to move on and apply everyone's criticisms into my next project. Thanks to those who took the time to review my art and I will look forward to your feedback on my next piece and I wish you all a Happy Holidays.
TL;DR: I only ask that you acknowledge that I want to move onto my next project, and again, I am applying your criticisms and I will do better next time; that I can promise. I will find new ways to make my next project look even better, but again, I need you to acknowledge that my only desire as of right now is to move on to my next project, and again, I will apply yours and everyone's feedback to the piece. Have a good day, Nova, and please undestand that I mean you no disrespect and only to wish to state my desires as of this moment.
Happy Holidays, everyone.
If you want to post art that's great, but you need to actually acknowledge the criticism. You need people to critise honestly without impedeing their opinion to make this a complete thing. You make a piece that's moderate, people will give you a moderate or low score.
If your art is so good, why isn't front paged? If you made art like shad,cypress, or Jessepants that deviates a social norm than perhaps you would be able to exponentially increase your views. You will never become Alex Ahad. I will never be Alex Ahad. No one can be Alex Ahad, except Alex Ahad.
Problem is, is this idiot isn't showing me the proper respect I deserve. I acknowledged his feedback and I said what I wanted to do, and I asked him to please let me move onto a new project, then he has the nerve to tell me I am worthless? Absinthe, I don't think you realize how much of an idiot this guy is. Seriously...And I was TRYING to be nice, too.